jumpsuit TOFO | Sew Along Day 1



DAY 2 | Construct Shorts


DAY 3 | Construct Bodice


DAY 4 | Yoke, Buttons, Elastic, Hem


TOFO Sew Along | Hannah of @hannah_regina_ | halfmoon ATELIER

written by Hannah Regina


Welcome to the jumpsuit TOFO Sew Along. My name is Hannah and I will be going through the steps with you to create the lovely jumpsuit.

To get started, grab your jumpsuit TOFO sewing pattern here!

Let’s go ahead and gather what we need for this project.


TOFO Sew Along | Hannah of @hannah_regina_ | halfmoon ATELIER

  • jumpsuit TOFO PDF sewing pattern
  • Fabric 
  • Thread
  • ¼” Elastic
  • 2” non-roll elastic
  • Fusible interfacing
  • 6 buttons
  • Pins
  • Tracing paper and tracing wheel
  • Scissors or rotary cutter
  • Pattern


Cut pattern according to your size. Transfer all markings and notches to fabric.

TOFO Sew Along | Hannah of @hannah_regina_ | halfmoon ATELIER


Sew pleats on front shorts and bodice. Iron pleats with folds facing sides.

TOFO Sew Along | Hannah of @hannah_regina_ | halfmoon ATELIER


STEP 3: Belt loops
Fold pattern piece in half lengthwise. Stitch seam allowance lengthwise then across at 6" intervals. Cut into 6” pieces. Clip corners.

TOFO Sew Along | Hannah of @hannah_regina_ | halfmoon ATELIER


Turn right side out and topstitch.

TOFO Sew Along | Hannah of @hannah_regina_ | halfmoon ATELIER


STEP 5: Shoulder straps
Fold in half, right sides together. Stitch lengthwise leaving small opening in the middle for turning right side out

TOFO Sew Along | Hannah of @hannah_regina_ | halfmoon ATELIER


Turn right side out and topstitch 

TOFO Sew Along | Hannah of @hannah_regina_ | halfmoon ATELIER


STEP 7: Belt
Match diagonal edges. Sew together. Iron seams open. With right sides together fold in half lengthwise and continue as in step 5

TOFO Sew Along | Hannah of @hannah_regina_ | halfmoon ATELIER



TOFO Sew Along | Hannah of @hannah_regina_ | halfmoon ATELIER


That's it for Day 1. Join me for Day 2 when we'll be constructing the shorts.


TOFO Sew Along | Hannah of @hannah_regina_ | halfmoon ATELIER

Originally from the Caribbean island of Trinidad and Tobago, Hannah Regina is a fashion content creator residing in Canada. Hannah creates custom clothing for herself and family and works part time in the Home Decor industry while running a Blog, Instagram page and Youtube channel where she shares her sewing techniques in a series entitled Mastering Sewing Techniques.

@hannah_regina_ on Instagram

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