As many of you know, halfmoon ATELIER transitioned from a business of selling handmade products to a sewing pattern business in 2017. I knew that, in order to do this right, I’d need to spend quality time and effort on building a strong foundation. My business goals are almost purely focused on the foundation, therefore, and little on actual sales. I’ll focus more on that next year. I am VERY excited to let you know that I am currently working with the amazing Elise Epp to do a full overhaul of my pattern & instruction template as well as my website! My brand and logo will remain the same, but Elise is going to help me to really polish up and professionalize my brand. We’ve just started working together, and I cannot wait to see what she comes up with!
After giving this topic much thought, I’ve decided to push the pause button on selling my patterns for now. I know this may seem odd timing, I had planned to launch the DELPY dress extension today, after all! I’ve gone back and forth on what to do, as you can imagine, but I’m super happy about this decision now that I’ve made it. I want to make sure I am offering you the very best patterns possible, and that includes the layout and design of the instructions. I have decided to use updated sizing chart that will make sizing more precise, and I’ve also picked out a few minor tweaks I’d like to do to make to my current patterns, so I’ll be doing a thorough re-test of these as well. In some ways, I feel like I may be adding more work to my plate than is needed. But, at the end of the day, I want your halfmoon ATELIER garments to become your very favorite pieces in your closet, and this feels like the best way to do that.
I hope you'll continue to come with me on this journey! If you are interested in helping to test my patterns, please get in contact with me! I'll be in touch.

All photos property of Meghann Halfmoon